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Recently you might have heard that over  200k computer have been hacked by black hat hackers.But what for

The world best ethical hackers or white hat hacker are unable to find a patch for ransomware  virus

we can define Ransomware virus as

a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid

But Why Should I Care?

If you are still using windows XP for your internet related work chances of you getting affected is really high other windows 7 or windows 10 and Mac user have less chances of getting affected remember here I mentioned "less chances". As per sources has been found out this hacker might release version 2 of this virus.If they do so it would be difficult to patch version 2.

How Can I Found Out That I Have Been Affected?

These hackers have their basic cleared and hacked PC's user-friendly.There will window popped when you will open your PC you will get screen saying "Your PC have been encrypted pay 300$ before 2 hrs to unlock or amount will raise"

Ransomware Pop up screen

What is Prevention from Ransomware
This virus enters your computer through a basic technique called Phishing.which can be easily detected don't download any .exe file either you know it or don't.Don't open attachments from spam folder on your mail.
Don't download any sought of a file from unauthorized website especially .exe one's.

Are Mobile Phone Are Also Affected

There are not many cases of smartphones being affected but these hackers are now targeting mobiles also.So Mobile user should also above steps too.

What should I do if I am already hacked

first of all calm down.Don't pay any amount of money to the hacker there is no guarantee that they will unlock your computer. contact to cyber police near you and get updated about new patches.

What are consequence on public servers like ATMs

Here in India, almost 70% ATM's uses Windows XP so there are chances of flying of cash from ATM's
For this purpose government has closed down ATM's running on Windows XP and those one also which do not have strong firewall system.

At last, grab your popcorn basket lot more to happen.

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