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The only team from Asian country continent which is is been selected for the the final round of Hyperloop pod competition is Avishkar Hyperloop. A dynamic team of 30 students from IIT Madras representing the countries attempt at speceX Hyperloop pod competition 2019, with the vision of initiating integrity and innovative technology to bring humanity One Step Closer to achieve the fifth mode of transportation. They have been shortlisted among the top 21 teams from 1600 globally for the  final round of competition that is held at speceX headquarter, Los Angeles California in July 2019.

What is Hyperloop

 Hyperloop is going to be the fifth mode of transportation, that moves freight and people safely, quickly and directly from origin to destination in a capsule like structure through a vacuum tube. It uses the principle of electromagnetic levitation and vacuum to reduce the friction of ground and air resistance.

About Competition
 The pod developed by the Avishkar  Hyperloop team was about 3 meter in length and of about 120kg in weight. They may not have won the compition but with the efforts they had won the hard of Elon Musk. Avishkar Hyperloop team met Musk and got appreciated for their work.

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