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In the 21st century we have got the fifth mode of  transportation, that is Hyperloop. To be said as an ultra high speed ground Transportation system proposed in 2013 by Elon Musk (co founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and founder of SpaceX ).
It was first used to describe an open source vecterian  design released by join team from Tesla and SpaceX.


 Hyperloop Ponds are made to transport the people which are  accelerated gradually via  electric propulsion through a low pressure tube. And capsule pods float over the track using magnetic levitation.  It seems to be like a maglev train enclosed in a tube in which there is no air resistance.

 it moves fast,  people quicklyand safely, directly from the origin to destination
 It can achieve the speed of 1200 kmph or 760 mph.
 Most importantly it is completely autonomous, safe, clean and enclosed.
 With the futuristic view it is also environmental friendly and doesn't call for much maintenance too.
The major Hyperloop is finalized in Maharashtra from Mumbai to Pune, which are 200km apart.
And Amravati - Vijaywada,
        Chennai - Bangalore,
         Delhi - Mumbai,
        Bangalore - Tiruvananthapuram,

Are the projects that were decided for Hyperloop.

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