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Nuralink is an American neurotechnological company which is developing the brain and machine interference. Nuralink is founded by an extraordinary entrepreneur ELON MUSK in July 2016 and is been running by Max Hodak as president of company.

Goal of company 
The goal of the company is to develop high bandwidth brain-machine interference to connect humans and machine.

About construction of Neuralink
These has been decided on the principle that neurons present in the brain represents information in the rate statistics and precise timing of spikes. Through these the developers has decided to record and stimulate as many neurons as possible in the brain. Using the Utah Array it is possible to record high density neurons. To decrease the limitations of Utah Array company has developed a chip named N1sensor. With these company had got the success in developing the threads with polymers which is 10th of human hair and each hair had about 33 electrode average, with these company is trying to get it wireless. And for insertion a neurological robot has been developed by company that can insert 6 threads per minute.
These are the facts revealed through the papers of Neuralink.
Hodak has exampled that a monkey has been abled to control the computer with the help of Neuralink. And they are doing all the experiments on rats.
According to Musk it will help to create symbiosis of human brain with Artificial intelligence. And he is hoping to apply these in a human patient by the end of next year.

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